Prevention of esophageal cancer: Cancer Causes Control ;11 The majority of research suggests that taking vitamin E, alone or along with other antioxidants, is not effective for preventing or treating age-related vision loss. Antioxidants and physical performance in elderly persons:
For vitamin E deficiency: Booth SL, Golly I, Sacheck JM, et al. Ks, ad a-d eV; r-. People with a history of stroke should avoid high doses of vitamin E. Taking vitamin E daily seems to improve symptoms of NASH in adults and children. Cancer Res ;54 7 Suppl: Nutr ;57 5 Suppl: Multivitamin supplementation improves nutritional status and bone quality in aged care residents. Research suggests that taking vitamin E daily or every other day for up to 10 years does not reduce the risk of death from any cause.
Incidence of cancers, ischemic cardiovascular diseases and mortality during 5-year follow-up after stopping antioxidant vitamins and minerals supplements: Membrane characteristics in vitamin E deficiency and the assessment of vitamin E status.
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Women use vitamin E for preventing complications in late pregnancy due to high blood pressure pre-eclampsia , premenstrual syndrome PMS , painful periods, menopausal syndrome, hot flashes associated with breast cancer , and breast cysts. Navigation Main page Contents Featured content Current events Random article Donate to Wikipedia Wikipedia store.
Get information and reviews on prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications, vitamins, and supplements. Jugoslav Med Biohem ; Sklodowska M, Wasowicz W Gromadzinska J Miroslaw W Strzelczyk M Malczyk J Goch JK.
Alpha-tocopherol in the treatment of tardive dyskinesia.
High dose vitamin E therapy in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis as add-on therapy to riluzole: Serum vitamin E, serum selenium and the risk of gastrointestinal cancer. Stop using vitamin E at least 2 weeks before a scheduled surgery. The effect of vitamin E in men who currently have prostate cancer is not clear.
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Baseline characteristics and the effect of selenium supplementation on cancer incidence in a randomized clinical trial: Mouth sores oral musosal lesions.
This page was last edited on 27 August , at However, in theory, taking vitamin E supplements might worsen prostate cancer in men who already have it. Cancer Causes Control ;4 2: There has been some concern that taking vitamin E supplements might be harmful to the fetus when taken in early pregnancy.
Tl at such low prices for upward- ot i7I ye. Haptoglobin genotype and cardiovascular outcomes in diabetes mellitus - natural history of the disease and the effect of vitamin E treatment.
Vitamin E alpha-tocopherol is POSSIBLY UNSAFE when given intravenously by IV to premature infants in high doses. Plasma transforming growth factor-beta1 level and efficacy of alpha-tocopherol in patients with non-alcoholic steatohepatitis: Taking vitamin E for 2 days before and for 3 days after bleeding begins seems to decrease pain severity and duration, and reduce menstrual blood loss.
Vitamin E modifies neither fructosamine nor HbA1c levels in poorly controlled diabetes. Penile sclerosing lipogranulomas and disfigurement from use of "1Super Extenze" among Laotian immigrants. Journal of BU On ;4: